Monday, February 14, 2011

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is the inspiration to so many people. She is so famous she is known around the world. She is the inspiration of so many women and so many people loved her song "Poker face" and "Bad romance".
The woman's creativity is amazing no matter what it is, even if it is a meat dress. Her creativity seems to never grow old. She cares about those outside of the USA. She talks about the illegal immigrants in Arizona. She thinks it's unfair that they aren't allowed to stay there. She tries to help children in need that are suffering from any kind of serious disease. She helps to stop STI or STD's that is going on in the US. She travels around the world singing her music, and she knows so many languages after going on tour. Outside her music and fame she is an inspiration to every single woman around the world.
She finds a cause and tries to fix it, we should do the same.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

End the Disease!!

You all may be familiar with stereotypes. Well just for the record I despise stereotypes. I don't believe in things unless there is proof and evidence which of course stereotypes do not have. It's an assumption, that turns into rumors and spread like a disease to each person. This causes fights and anger through everyone. Why do think the world isn't how it should be? It was fine but the actions of people ruined it.
As a child I was put into a postion where I was nothing but a stereotype. I was proud of my country and where I came from, yet others thought about it differently. They looked at me like I was a disease, they thought I lived in huts, they thought I still hunt for lions and ride with the zebras. They think we live in poverty and that I'm poor. It took me years to prove that those stereotypes are not true.
I am not alone. Several people are different from the other crowd because of where they come from. The disease of sterotypes are spreading and people need to stop it. I have been called unspeakable names because of where I came from. And sure when you say it once or twice it's just a harmless funny joke but if keeps going it doesn't really seem like a joke anymore. Stereotypes need to stop. It's not helping us form together as a mass of people. We should love each other the way you love yourself. Stop this disease, bring everyone together. So a stereotype starts from one person, then one person can end it. End the ignorance and give them knowledge. Nigerians are rich, we have the newest cars and pretty outfits. Asians have beautiful houses that to this day I am jealous over and they are kind. Muslims are not terrorist, you will rarely see terrorist. Muslim woman will not degrade their body. They cover it because they respect themselves and I respect them for it. Africans are not savages. We are all people. People should be treated as people.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Nigerian Civil War

The nigerian civil war happened 1967-1970. This happened because of politics and religion.
That's why I always say never start a conversation with religion or politics. It will cause a fight but no, no one listens to me.
My grandfather was in the war, and he died of illness because of the bombs. The Imo state (my tribe) and Yoruba tribe was fighting the Hausa tribe (East of Nigeria).
Imo state fought with Yoruba because they also wanted their Independence. They wanted to be their own country called Biafra. Imo state got tired of sharing too much of their oil with Yoruba so they wanted to make their own country. They had war with Yoruba. Imo state where very skilled with creating underground bomb. They killed a majority of people.
My mom lived through this and so did my dad. They were very little. Schools were canceled, jobs stopped, people stopped selling foods and children where lost without parents.
My mother said, "Every time we hid to some where safe we always saw a dead body. They would lay bloody in front of our compound or on the field. Our chicken ran loose, or cows died from hunger."
My grandma had to sew their names onto their clothes so they would not loose their identity. My mom couldn't go to school for three years because of this and she lost her dad 9 years later since he was ill from the bombs.
Religion is wonderful but sometimes there's a turn to it as well.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The political upset in Egypt

Now I'm sort of confused. I'm hearing 3 different stories about the political upset on Egypt. I'm hearing that there was a shooting in the area. Then i'm hearing that the President of Egypt also known as Mubarak is resigning or is not having a reelection. Now I'm hearing that they are having economic trouble. I am confused. Is all of this happening all at once or are these just different stories on different time periods?
Well let's see. (^.^)
In the online websites people are protesting about poverty, unemployment, and police brutality. Protesters want the president to resign and the conflict had gotten much much worser that police officers were forced to shoot the protesters, spray them with tear gas and send dogs on them.
This is stopping people who want to travel to Egypt. My friend Nicki can't even travel there because of the crisis.
Tell me what you think.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Music around the world

During the day off I spent the rest of the day listening to music: rock, pop, hip hop, r&b and heavy metal. It turned out that most of the songs were from other countries.
One of the songs I listened to were by a Korean group called 2ne1, kara, teen top, and snsd. They are very popular in Korea. One of my favorite songs from them is 'Fire' by 2ne1, 'Supa luv' by teen top and 'Gee' by snsd. I listened to hip hop and r&b music from Nigerian groups. My favorite groups from Nigeria is P-square and Bracket. The most greatest songs they have sung is 'No time', and 'Do me'. P square sings messages and tells stories that goes on in real life for example thier song 'No Easy'. No easy talks about how people have no money and are suffering and that they just have to keep going.
Nigerian music and Korean music are just like american only that sometimes they have a message and meaning.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A bomb in Moscow!

There was a suicide bombing in Moscow, Russia on Monday, January 24, 2011 that just happened to take place in one of Russia's most busiest airport stations. The devastion killed up to 35 people and injured 180. No one claimed responsibilty for the attack but some islamist seperatists from Chechnya have taken credit for some of Moscows previous attacks. 20 people are under critical condition.
This has been the most deadly attack in Russia since last march two female suicide bombers from Russia's Muslim majority region set off explosives on a subway system killing 40 people. It was Moscow's worst attack for 6 years.
This is a very sad happening, not only for Russia but around the world. I am very sad and also very shocked. I never really given much thought how this may affect people and to the families of those who have died. It also brought me to realize that Russia has had a lot of devestation for years; not only just the US. It opened my eyes to know the world and for me to know what's really going on outside our community.
This reminds me of 9/11 but in another background. This is a big tragedie adn i think the only way to stop is to find the terrorist that have doen is and get them to be punished for killing so many people. I pray for all the people who have died and for thier families.

korean clothes: the Hanbok